Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Return of the Big Kat

Since spotting a Kit Kat Caramel in the store recently (which I found to taste shiteous, by the way..) I have been in search of the Big Kat. I typically am not too fond of American candy or anything that is milk chocolate. However, Kit Kat seems to be a comfort food for me. Alas, I was agog at spotting this in a local grocery store today! Notice they are not calling it the Big Kat, yet that is precisely what it is. I remember being not so impressed with these the first time around but I thought perhaps my memory was deceiving me. After taking one bite, I recalled why I was not so impressed. The chocolate to wafer ratio! *sigh* Joe, being a lover of milk chocolate, was highly enamoured of it because the outer layer of chocolate (mockolate) is much thicker. Too much milk chocolate for me. It wasn't nasty like the Kit Kat Caramel (*vomit*) but not as tasty as the regular sized Kit Kat. Joe says, however, that it tastes exactly the same as he remembers it and completely resents my hatred of the Kit Kat Caramel.
Whatever. ;o)

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